Crypto Boyfriends and Billionaire Bore-Core
after school weekend edition
Welcome back to After School ✨weekend edition✨. Think of the daily letter as the CliffsNotes; this is the extended version for paid subscribers.
Because it’s April 1st, I want to say from the start that there are absolutely no April Fool’s jokes in here, though I did get tricked by Tinder’s announcement that they were banning photos of men holding fish, which I assumed was a silly gimmick to get press (and, technically, it was!) but did not think was an April Fool’s joke. Who releases April Fool’s jokes on March 29? Isn’t there a law against that or something?
In what is not an April’s Fool joke, but practically reads like one because it is such a chef’s-kiss piece of content: This week, Eve Jobs, the model and Stanford grad who happens to be the daughter of Steve Jobs, shared her favorite things with The Strategist for their “What I Can't Live Without” celebrity shopping column.
Her list includes a lot of the products you’d expect a discerning Gen Zer to mention — Bala bangles (“So I only really started enjoying working out recently”), GRWM hair clips, tie-dye thermals only available on Grailed — but it also, appropriately, includes an iPhone. “I’m gonna keep it brief,” she begins. “It’s a tool for creatives and an aesthetic-design masterpiece.” A tool for creatives, indeed! Here’s a selfie of Eve with her very own “aesthetic-design masterpiece”:
I love Gen Z. Today we’re talking about:
Crypto boyfriends
Depop pop-ups
Cold brew undereye
Blue jean makeup
Great Shoulder Resurgence of 2023
Billionaire bore-core
Bubble hair
Toe Uggs
Old bags

And everything else that happened this week in brands, trends, and online culture.