Hi friends! Welcome back to After School ✨weekend edition✨, an extra long and extra opinionated youth culture digest for paid subscribers.
If this email seems — in addition to “extra long” and “extra opinionated” — also extra meandering and extra incoherent, that’s because I have covid and I have not left my house bed in days. But I need to while away the hours somehow, so here we are!

Today we’re talking about:
Gen Z’s favorite new fiction writer
The Gen Z “capital of America”
What are LA hot girls buying
The most sought-out beauty product dupes in the U.S.
Young people’s preferred liquor (are martinis on their way out?)
And so much more! Like, 1,992 words more. Hope you enjoy.
⚡ Trends ⚡
Seinfeld characters reimagined as bussin’ e-boys are taking over a certain corner of the internet. All of these memes rely on the basic format of creating a fan fiction around what these cultural artifacts would look like if they occurred among today’s e-boys — they all have the requisite curly hair and dangly earring, and they each say something that includes the phrases “no cap,” “for real” or “mid.” Seinfeld isn’t the only show to get this treatment since the meme emerged around two months ago. Sopranos has also delivered frequent fodder, as has American Psycho and Mad Men.