What is After School?

A youth culture cheat sheet. Trend analysis and insights, 5x a week, with an emphasis on Gen Z and Gen Alpha consumers.

When should you expect to hear from me?

I send a short newsletter Monday through Thursday, and a longer, highly opinionated (a nice way to phrase “extremely meandering”) digest on the weekends for my very, very special paid subscribers.

Who am I?

I’m Casey Lewis. I used to be an editor at Teen Vogue, MTV, and New York Magazine, and I started a media company for Gen Z, which was acquired by another media company for Gen Z (which was then acquired by another media company for Gen Z). I’ve been obsessed with youth culture forever. In fact, I own more than 200 teen magazines and run a meme account about it. I’ve spent the last few years consulting with companies on brand strategy.

I’m regrettably not a Gen Zer.

After School in the ✨media✨

Subscribe to After School by Casey Lewis

a youth trends cheat sheet


After working at Teen Vogue and MTV, I started a media company for Gen Z that was acquired by a media company for Gen Z (that was acquired by another media company for Gen Z). These days I research trends and help companies reach young people.